
    EURONEAR - Tools

Here we provide some public tools for data mining, planning and quality control of NEA observations.
They were used for past EURONEAR work and are provided for free to anyone, with the only request to add the proper acknowledgement in your projects.
Last updated: 17 Aug 2022.

Planning Tools
PlanningGenerate a list of observable NEAs during one night (follow-up of newly discovered NEAs using the ESA Priority list)
Planning RecoveryGenerate a list of observable NEAs during one night (recovery of older one-opposition NEAs using the NEODyS New Priority Lists)
Long PlanningGenerate a list of observable NEAs for a longer timespan (used for photometry or spectroscopy)
Ephemeris from DesignationCalculate the ephemerides of a known solar system object given its name, number or designation
Ephemeris from OrbitCalculate the ephemerides of a new solar system object given its Keplerian orbital elements
Ephemeris from ObservationsCalculate the ephemerides of a new solar system object given its observations in MPC format
Data Mining Tools
Precovery StandardStandard (p)recovery of known asteroids and NEAs uploading a telescope pointing archive in a standard format
Precovery CFHTLSPrecovery of known asteroids and NEAs from the CFHT Legacy Survey archive (25,000 MegaCam images 2003-2009)
Precovery Suprime-CamPrecovery of known asteroids and NEAs from the Subaru Supreme-Cam archive (70,000 images 1999-2011)
Precovery INTPrecovery of known asteroids and NEAs from the ING/INT WFC image archive (about 562,000 images 2002-2016)
Precovery ESOPrecovery of known asteroids and NEAs from the ESO/MPG WFI image archive (about 121,000 images 1999-2012)
Mega Precovery from DesignationSearch the Mega-Archive (15 million images) for any known asteroid or comet given by name, number or designation
Mega Precovery from OrbitSearch the Mega-Archive (15 million images) for any asteroid or comet given by Keplerian orbital elements
Mega Precovery from ObservationsSearch the Mega-Archive (15 million images) for any new asteroid or comet given by observations
CCD Searching Tools
Find CCDOverlays NEA positions and their uncertainity regions above any given image taken with a major mosaic camera
Find CCD SubaruOverlays NEA positions and their uncertainity regions above any given Suprime-Cam mosaic image
Quality Control Tools
O-CDerives Observed minus Calculated (O-C) residuals for few asteroids observations (NEAs or others)
AstrocheckValidates MPC reports of measured asteroid or comet astrometry, assumining a linear model for a short observation
MPCRepCompCompares two MPC reports
Asteroids IdentificationIdentifies the known asteroids in a MPC report
Other Tools
NEA CheckerChecks a MPC report for NEA candidates
NEARBY UCVMoving source detector for asteroid mini-surveys (UCV server in Craiova, Romania - needs login, please contact us)
NEARBY UTCNMoving source detector for asteroid mini-surveys (UTCN server in Cluj-Napoca, Romania - needs login, please contact us)
Other Related Tools
MASFOMega Archive Search Fixed Objects - search for images containing one star, galaxy, nebulae, given by name or coordinates
FindCCD for Fixed ObjectsOverlays fixed objects (stars, galaxies) above any given image taken with a major mosaic camera
MASDSMega Archive Search Double Stars - search for images containing double stars given by the WDSID or WDS Discoverer ID
FindCCD for Double StarsOverlays double stars above any given image taken with a major mosaic camera
WDS Filter DataminingSearches the WDS catalogue integrated with MASDS, FindCCD tools and the Mega-Archive
Older Tools
O-C v.1Derives Observed minus Calculated (O-C) residuals for one short NEA observation - version 1
Mega Precovery v.1Identifies images potentialy containing any known asteroid or comet in the Mega-Archive - version 1
Mega Precovery v.2Identifies images potentialy containing any known asteroid or comet in the Mega-Archive - version 2
PlanningGenerate a list of observable NEAs during one night (follow-up of newly discovered NEAs using the Spaceguard Priority list).
Retired tool (Spaceguard priority list migrated to ESA). Replaced by Planning using the ESA Priority List.
Planning RecoveryGenerate a list of observable NEAs using the MPC Bright and Faint databases.
Retired tool (MPC does not provide anymore these databases). Replaced by Planning Recovery using NEODyS New Priority Lists.